Update to services at Ann Davis Transition Society – We are still providing services, by phone

Like most of us, Ann Davis Transition Society is carefully monitoring COVID-19 developments.  Ann Davis Transition Society is committed to the health and safety of the community, persons we serve, our volunteers and staff.  We are keeping abreast of the  Public Health Agency of Canada, HealthLink BC and BC Centre for Disease Control information for guidance and recommendations as we sustain our existing services to the best of our ability while implementing new operational practices at all our facilities.

Patti MacAhonic, Executive Director of Ann Davis Transition Society, says “it is so important to keep as many services as possible available throughout COVID-19 times we are in, to support the most vulnerable in the community.”

Updates to service are:

Please understand that at Ann Davis Transition Society we are all committed to keeping the people we serve safe and healthy as we attempt to avoid the spreading of the COVID-19 virus in Canada.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work through this together.

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Select the item of interest, below. Selecting a program does not ensure program entry. A counsellor will call and conduct a phone screening, then will add you to the wait list, if you qualify. Have questions? Call our office at 604-792-2760.
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