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Do you need to report domestic violence, gender-based violence or assault? Ann Davis is here to support
you. There is a new way to report violence that has happened. The Willow Room is available 24/7 for
you to make a report with the RCMP in a trauma-informed, culturally sensitive and supported

To file a report please follow the steps below:

  1. Call the RCMP at 911 or non-emergency at 604-792-4611
  2. Communicate to them you want to report a domestic violence incident or gender-based
  3. Inform them you would like to give the report at The Willow Room located at Ann Davis
    Transition Society – they will help you with this and inform you of the next steps.

If you have any questions please call 604-792-3116 or text 604-819-3557

Like the Willow Tree, you can achieve stability, hope and healing.

Helping Survivors Rideshare:  https://helpingsurvivors.org/rideshare-sexual-assault/

If you have experienced harm in a ridesharing service, you have legal rights and options. Helping Survivors Rideshare is there for the support you need and deserve.

Guide to Sexual Consent (innerbody.com)
